Saturday, June 1, 2024

STOTT PILATES® Five Basic Principles

Using Contemporary Pilates Principles to Achieve Optimal Fitness
Article by Moira Merrithew, STOTT PILATES® Executive Director, Education

The Introduction of the Five Basic Principles
Principal 1 Breathing
Principal 2 Pelvic Placement
Principal 3 Rib Cage Placement
Principal 4 Scapular Stabilization
Principal 5 Head and Cervical Placement

Five Basic Principles
The aim of contemporary, anatomically-based Pilates training, such as STOTT PILATES,® is to develop optimal neuromuscular performance by focusing on core stability, while safely balancing muscular strength with flexibility. Whether performed on a mat or on specialized equipment, Pilates that incorporates modern theories of exercise science and spinal rehabilitation should
involve the following biomechanical principles: breathing, pelvic placement, rib cage placement, scapular movement and stabilization, and head and cervical placement.

By introducing these principles and reinforcing them over time, awareness of how the body moves is developed. This mind-body awareness ensures focus on precision and control to realize the full benefits of any exercise program.

Visit each one of the The Five Basic Principles accompanied by simple exercises to help illustrate them.

Principal 1 Breathing
Principal 2 Pelvic Placement
Principal 3 Rib Cage Placement
Principal 4 Scapular Stabilization
Principal 5 Head and Cervical Placement

Article by Moira Merrithew, STOTT PILATES® Executive Director, Education


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