Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Polar Bear Plunge for the Special Olympics of MN
Pledge Susie!

2011 Crew!
2010 Crew!
It was early 2006 when on a bathroom stall door I saw a flyer from the Special Olympics of MN presenting an interesting and somewhat strange way to raise money and awareness for their wonderful cause.  So along side two friends and many other crazy strangers I plunged into White Bear Lake in the middle of January on a very cold day. I decided that day to plunge for the SOMN every year for as long as I was physically able.  So brought the second year, myself and five friends plunged marking our first year as an organized team. The third year we came up with a name, "Susie Q and Her Crazy Crew", tee-shirts and a photo team with a crew of eight plungers.  January 2011, we had a total of 24 plungers, raising just under $10,000 and this past year, January 2012 with 36 plungers joining the crew we raised up of $14,000!!! In 2013 holding up my deal for the EIGHT consecutive year we will be plunging on on January 26th 2013 at White Bear Lake!

Every year the plunge season gets bigger and more exciting for the crew, in 2011 we started our own Facebook  and Twitter pages!! 

my 2012 plunge!
For the 2013 plunge I have set my personal pledge goal at$1,000 with hopes of reaching beyond $1,500 as I have accomplished this for many of the past plunging years.  Please consider a donation to assist me in getting closer to my personal goal, consequently helping the entire 'crew' in reaching or collective teal goal.  
Clicking the following link will send you to my personal pledge page.  Here you will be able to make a secure online donation and you will also receive an automatic receipt for your generous contribution that IS tax deductible.  
Polar plunge events help support thousands of SOMN athletes. Special Olympic athletes around the world follow the oath: "Let me win. But if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt."  Polar Bear Plungers follow this example by bravely taking a chilly dip for a wonderful group of people.

First printed shirts 2008 plunge!
2007 Plunge!
2009 Crew

 On behalf of Susie Q & her Crazy crew from years past, present and future, I thank you for your consideration and support of the 2013 Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge! Stay Warm, I will do the plunging!!         -Susie Q  


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