Monday, December 3, 2018

#internationaldayofpersonswithdisabilities 💙

TODAY, December 3rd, 2018, is the International Day Of Persons With Disabilities! In 1992, the UN created this day to observe the importance of and for people with disabilities. 💙 

On January 26, 2019, I will be joining @PlungeSOMN and making my 14th plunge into White Bear Lake in support of !!

Special Olympics is a global movement of people creating a new world of inclusion and community for people with disabilities.💜

TODAY is a perfect day to pledge my plunge and help to spread inclusion and respect to our incredible Special Olympians!! It is easy and safe to pledge online by clicking this link to my personal pledge page 💛

Thank you!! 😽😽😽

Also, spread the word the end the R word, today and everyday! 💓

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