Monday, June 29, 2020

Monday Motivation The Pilates Push Up!

"Joe is more interested in muscles that will hold you up up than those that will let you knock another fellow down" - Robert Wernick Sports Illustrated, February 12, 1962

#MondayMotivation💪 One of my go-tos, especially if I'm short on time, is the pilates push up . The push up targets the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, obliques, hip abductors and extensors, the scapular stabilizers, triceps and pecs - so it's great to activate a wide variety of muscles beyond the core . The #pilatespushup also challenges stability, mobility, endurance and balance . It is important to maintain a neutral pelvic position and a wide stable shoulder girdle throughout . I especially like to reverse the staggered elbow flexion with staggered extension . I did 3 staggered elbow flexion push ups followed by 3 staggered elbow extension push ups adding a pike between and before the walk back . #MondayMotivation #dopilates #dopilatesyoullfeelbetter #zoompilates #StayHome #StayHealthy #StayPositive
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