Monday Motivation!! OMG Stay standing in October SNOW and ICE! Pilates Clam Series 🦪
Pilates Clam Series 🦪💗
It's early in the year for this much snow and ice in Minnesota, but hey, it's 2020 and we're rolling with the punches!
Gaining strength and flexibility in the hip stabilizers will help to keep us standing, walking and safe on icy sidewalks!
The hip stabilizer muscles include the gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, piriformis and deep core muscles (the transversus abdominis, multifidus, and pelvic floor).
The side lying Pilates Clam Series is one heck of an exercise series to aid in strengthening the gluteus medius, which lays on the outer edge of the buttocks and is responsible for stabilizing your pelvis! So think about when you're trying to stay upright while walking on a slippery surface, besides your core strength helping to maintain balance it's your hip stabilizers that will help to keep your feet from flying out from underneath you!
The clam series is said to be one of the best for strengthening the hips, glutes, and pelvis. The pilates clam can also help to prevent injury and ease lower back tension as well aid in physical therapy to help sciatica, reducing pain by strengthening the core and lower back muscles.
To set up, make sure your head is comfortably supported with your bottom arm, neck should be in neutral with stacked shoulders. Maintain a neutral ribcage and pelvis, the knees are bent at approximately a right angle with the heels in line with the tailbone.
It's important to maintain torso stability (shoulders, ribcage and pelvis) to get the most out of this series. Avoid letting the top hip roll forward or backwards as the legs move, avoid going too fast or straining in the shoulders or neck. REMEMBER TO BREATHE your Pilates breath, use your exhale to aid in your stability. If you're doing it correctly you will feel your core working as well as the legs!
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