Monday, October 12, 2020

Monday Motivation!! The Pilates Magic Circle!

 Two Videos using the incredible Magic Circle!

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#MondayMotivation💪 Magic Circle day!!! TWO videos! The Magic Circle is a tool or prop created by #JosephPilates intended to help people practicing #Pilates boost their practice, add resistance and find their deeper centers . Also referred to as the Pilates Circle or Pilates, exercise, or fitness Ring; this tool is made of flexible metal (or more commonly today) rubber, about 13 inches in diameter with pads on either side. The Magic Circle is a traditional, inexpensive, light weight pilates resistance prop that can easily be integrated into mat Pilates at home as well as with Pilates machines such as the Reformer . Using resistance props, utilizing ones own body weight, in your Pilates workout will help to build muscle tone, allows one to target multiple areas of the body, adds to stability, improves balance and enhances many mat Pilates exercises! Another amazing benefit is being able to imitate, to a certain extent, larger resistance equipment that not everyone is able to have at home, the Reformer, Cadillac, or Chair . In my first #MondayMotivation video I incorporate the circle into a common mat exercise, the Hip Roll + leg lift increasing the intensity of the hip roll and demanding stabilization of shoulders, ribcage and pelvis to maintain the straight line of the body during the roll up, leg lift, especially since the ring is flexible, and roll down. In my second video I mimic the Monkey footwork and stretch, a Cadillac exercise, transitioning into the Teaser combined again with the Monkey footwork to increase the demand for balance and sequencing . Enjoy!! #dopilates #dopilatesyoullfeelbetter #dopilatesanywhere #pilatesmagiccircle #pilatesring #pilatescircle #pilateshiprolls #pilatesmonkey #pilatesteaser #StayHome #StayHealthy #StayPositive #StaySafe

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