Monday, October 5, 2020

Motivation Monday in THREE PARTS with the Big Ball!!

Many people have a big ball laying around but it may be stuffed in a corner or a closet, it may be thrown off to the side of a desk having been briefly used as a chair, maybe it's covered with discarded clothing. So let's get it out and USE it!
The first video integrates the Pilates Teaser prep with the big ball enhancing focus, coordination, sequencing and balance.

The second video goes over Hip/Pelvic release & mobilization, this is especially important for runners and dedicated athletes, but everyone will benefit from mobilizing!

Ramping it up a bit in the third video, I demonstrate using the big ball, side plank, plank, declined push-up and pike!! Challenge yourself and do not forget to BREATH and use your ALIGNMENT PRINCIPLES!!

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#MondayMotivation💪 Part 1 . Here we are still stuck in a pandemic, trying to make the most of it. From my side, finding my own motivation has been tough, when everything feels heavy it takes extra strength just to get going. I KNOW for me, when the going gets tough I HAVE to keep on moving, it is the only way out of the perpetual cycle of sadness and anxiety. I've missed a couple of #MondayMotivation (s) working on myself so that I could give more to others . Thinking about continuing to move even when we are stuck at home can be hard so today I am going to post a 3 part #motivationmonday utilizing the large stability ball in 3 different ways. Many people have a big ball laying around but it may be stuffed in a corner or a closet, it may be thrown off to the side of a desk having been briefly used as a chair, maybe it's covered with discarded clothing. So let's get it out and USE it! My first video today integrates the Pilates Teaser prep with the big ball enhancing focus, coordination, sequencing and balance. The #PilatesTeaser takes the full range of body engagement including breath targeting the transverse abdominis, deep pelvic floor, scapular stabilizers as well as the rectus abdominis and obliques concentrically and eccentrically rolling up and rolling down. So girl (and boys) put your records on and let's get moving- TOGETHER! #tictokmusic And as much as you can continue to keep yourself and others safe and healthy! #StayHome #StayHealthy #StayPositive #StaySafe and please always #wearyourmask😷 in public!! #dopilates #dopilatesyoullfeelbetter #dopilatesanywhere #bigballpilates #pilatesteaserprep #pilatesteaser #bigballteaser

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#MondayMotivation💪 Part 2 . Hip/Pelvic release & mobilization!! Tight hips are such a pain! Literally! Practicing release, mobilization and stabilization is incredibly important to restore and maintain flexibility and strength . In this video, using the big ball I run through parallel alignment, medial rotation (turn inward), lateral rotation (turn outward) and stabilization! The advantages of hip/pelvic release are incredible targeting the muscles and tendon of the hip and glutes, including the tensor fascia latae and glutes attaching to the IT band. Athletes, especially runners, benefit greatly from these movements !! #MondayMotivation #dopilates #dopilatesyoullfeelbetter #dopilatesanywhere #pilateshiprelease #bigballpilates #StayHome #StayHealthy #StayPositive #StaySafe

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